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Good News

Over a year ago, this seed was planted in our hearts to create a festival  patterned after the feast days and holy days God’s people observed in the Old Testament, as a way for us to remember and celebrate God's story of redemption.

This story is a strong, unbroken thread woven through all of history, as God's heart to redeem humanity is shown in all of his works, in story after story.

Today, we are the benefactors of God's redeeming love and mercy throughout all generations, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and we are called to remember, celebrate, and tell the story.

During this 8-day Redemption Festival, in our homes we will read biblical accounts, pray, reflect, and put our faith into action, and we will also come together in community to worship, feast, and celebrate what God has done!

Then, equipped with a greater understanding of God and His plan for humanity, we will go out and tell the story so that others may know. 

Festival Week Schedule

8 Days of Events Outlined Below. Everything kicks off AUGUST 25th!

