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Five Action Steps to Help You Start Fasting

1. Set a Clear Purpose

  • Scriptural Basis: Reflect on why you are fasting. Is it to seek God's guidance, to prepare for a significant event (Our Redemption Festival), or to draw closer to Him? Fasting should have a spiritual goal, such as spending more time in prayer and reading Scripture.
  • Action Step: Write down your purpose for fasting and keep it in a place where you can see it daily. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

2. Choose the Type of Fast

  • Scriptural Basis: Decide whether you will do a normal fast (abstaining from all food but not water), a partial fast (restricting certain foods), or an absolute fast (abstaining from all food and water for a short period).   
  • Action Step: Determine the type of fast that is appropriate for your situation and health. If necessary, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have medical conditions.

3. Prepare Spiritually and Physically

  • Scriptural Basis: Jesus emphasized the importance of not making a show of fasting (Matthew 6:16-18). Prepare your heart by confessing any sins and seeking God's guidance. Physically, start by gradually reducing your food intake a few days before the fast.
  •  Action Step: Spend time in prayer and Scripture reading before you begin your fast. Also, plan your meals leading up to the fast to ease your body into the period of abstention.

4. Create a Schedule

  • Scriptural Basis: Allocate specific times for prayer, Bible reading, and reflection. The goal is to replace the time you would spend eating with spiritual disciplines.
  • Action Step: Make a daily schedule that includes dedicated times for prayer, Scripture reading, and quiet reflection. Stick to this schedule to maintain focus and discipline.

5. Stay Accountable and Reflect

  • Scriptural Basis: While fasting is often a private matter, it can be helpful to have an accountability partner. A corporate fast is a great way to stay accountable.
  • Action Step: Share your fasting plan with a trusted friend or family member. After the fast, take time to reflect on your experience and what God has revealed to you. Keep a journal to document your spiritual journey and any insights gained.

The goal is to approach fasting in a structured and meaningful way, ensuring that it becomes a powerful spiritual discipline in our lives.