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good news global

Good News Church is a vibrantly unique family of nations who prioritize making Jesus known and loved amongst the remaining unreached peoples of the world.
We do this through intentional praying, giving, sending, welcoming, and going.
Each one of our Good News family members is invited by
God to pursue their unique role in His global purposes.
Together, we call this our Global Christian Pursuit.
A Global Christian is a believer who is radically committed to making
the gospel known, both locally and globally, for His supreme glory.

How does this become evident in your life?

Global Christian Pursuit is a framework intended to aid Good News family
on the journey of an intentional, transformed life so that all nations might
know and love Jesus. This journey is meant to occur one
Spirit-led decision at a time. We are here to help!

You have an unique role to play in God's global glory.

What roles can a Global Christian have?


Fervently intercede for the nations, global workers, and the worldwide advancement of God's Kingdom.


Leverage your resources, skills, and time to support the work of those engaged in global.


Participate in caring for global workers and inspire others in purposeful global opportunities.


Utilize the strategic opportunity you have to share the Gospel with internationals at home.


Step into cross-cultural global work by learning and serving alongside long-term global workers advancing the gospel amongst unreached peoples.

Learn More

Learn more about unreached peoples, global work, and resources for growing as a Global Christian.