These words take on a new sense of urgency and anticipation for all of us as we enter 2025. God is calling our Good News family to engage in the mission and meet needs as we live out the Gospel to the world around us. Kingdom Builders, our new initiative for how we partner with ministry locally and around the world, helps us give more, send more, and reach more.
These words take on a new sense of urgency and anticipation for all of us as we enter 2025. God is calling our Good News family to engage in the mission and meet needs as we live out the Gospel to the world around us. Kingdom Builders, our new initiative for how we partner with ministry locally and around the world, helps us give more, send more, and reach more.

Reaching the Unreached
Global workers and ministries who are serving among Unreached People Groups.

Reaching the Lost and Hurting in Our Community
Ministries that are serving the at-risk and marginalized in the Omaha area and beyond.

Future Investment & Expansion
Investing in people and projects that Holy Spirit has placed on our hearts for the future of our ministry.
A Few of Our Kingdom Builders Partners...
Why We "Partner" VS "Support"
Why we choose to use the terminology of "partner" vs "support" is not simply a vocabulary synonym, it is a mindset and even a paradigm shift. Rather than simply sending dollars and wishing our Global Workers and Local Partners well, we want to be INVESTED in their journey, praying over them, engaging with them regularly, celebrating their wins, bearing their burdens, and seeing as ourselves as on mission alongside them, versus simply watching from the sidelines.
Just as those who own shares in a company are more invested in the success, outcomes, and health of the business, so WE are shareholders in the Mission of God in the lives of our partners and are as invested in their success and health as our own.
Just as those who own shares in a company are more invested in the success, outcomes, and health of the business, so WE are shareholders in the Mission of God in the lives of our partners and are as invested in their success and health as our own.

What is Kingdom Builders?
Kingdom Builders is a Good News ministry initiative that allows us to be ON MISSION together as we financially and spiritually fulfill God’s mission globally, locally, and for future church expansion.

Why Kingdom Builders?
KB is a framework that helps us simplify and be more intentional in our efforts and financial partnerships with what the Lord is doing globally, locally, and in future church expansion. In addition, this giving structure allows more participation from our church family as no one has to feel limited in who they are able to support, but can now give towards multiple ministries, global workers, and church initiatives.

What is the Kingdom Builders Task Force?
The Kingdom Builders Task Force is a dedicated committee responsible for making decisions pertaining to partnerships, distribution of resources, and management of KB budget. For more information, please contact the church office.

How often do I give to Kingdom Builders?
You can give to KB as often as you would like. We will not be collecting a separate offering on Global Sunday as we have in the past. You will now have an opportunity to give to KB weekly, monthly, or however the Lord leads you.

How much should I give to Kingdom Builders?
It is completely up to you the amount you choose to give to KB. We should each pray and ask for the Holy Spirit's leading in this matter. 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Can I give to Kingdom Builders right away?

Is the Kingdom Builders concept unique to Good News Church?
It is not. Kingdom Builders was originally developed by an Assemblies of God Church a number of years ago and found that it positively impacted both their outreach and their church body. They have shared this concept with many churches across the U.S. since it’s inception, but each local church will adapt and apply it for their unique calling and mission. At Good News Church, we have taken months - even years - to seek the Lord in prayer to help us answer the “why, who, and how”.

Can I designate my giving to a specific Global Worker, ministry, or initiative within Kingdom Builders?
No. In order to be able to keep our scheduled commitments to ALL KB partners, we ask that you do not designate KB gifts to a specific global worker, ministry, or initiative unless you are planning on covering that budget line item in its entirety. If you feel so led to cover a total commitment in this way, you can contact the church office to find out the total amount of our KB commitment for a specific global worker, ministry, or initiative.

What's the difference between tithes, offerings, and Kingdom Builders giving?
Tithe is giving a 10th of our income to the work of the Lord in obedience to the scriptures (Lev. 27:30, Mal. 3:10, Deut. 12:5-6, Prov. 3:9-10, Matt. 5:17). Jesus addressed the Pharisees in Matt. 23:23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former."
The tithe is used to support the daily ministry of Good News church. Some individuals would choose to call this an offering instead of a tithe.
Kingdom Builders giving is what we would consider any offering above and beyond the tithe (Exodus 36:3) to help us accomplish God’s mission outside the walls of the church.
The tithe is used to support the daily ministry of Good News church. Some individuals would choose to call this an offering instead of a tithe.
Kingdom Builders giving is what we would consider any offering above and beyond the tithe (Exodus 36:3) to help us accomplish God’s mission outside the walls of the church.

I am currently supporting a Global Worker/ministry personally; can I continue to send my support through Good News Church?
No. If you have been giving financially to a ministry/global worker, we highly encourage you to continue doing so, but you will need to give directly to them or through their specific giving portal (eg. AGWM, etc.). Good News is continuing to support many of these same ministries or Global Workers through Kingdom Builders, but this will ensure that none of them loses any support that they are currently relying on. Contact the Good News church office if you need help on how to continue to financially supporting any ministries/Global Workers.