We live to see lives transformed through Jesus!
We depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit to help us make decisions that will further the kingdom of God on the earth, both across the globe, as well as right here in the middle of our Omaha community.
This is who we are:
We are a family committed to seeing lives changed. We connect people to God and others, make disciples of Jesus, and are Spirit-empowered people who live out the Good News in our world. And we are each determine to fulfill our unique purpose in God’s mission to everyone, everywhere, every day.
God is asking us to trust Him. He is asking us to prepare NOW for what He wants to do through us. Through KB’s Future Investment and Expansion, we begin to make preparations to invest in the people and projects He has laid on our heart, in order to move forward with initiatives revealed by His Spirit.
Below are some of the projects that we feel called to pursue in 2023 and beyond.
This is who we are:
We are a family committed to seeing lives changed. We connect people to God and others, make disciples of Jesus, and are Spirit-empowered people who live out the Good News in our world. And we are each determine to fulfill our unique purpose in God’s mission to everyone, everywhere, every day.
God is asking us to trust Him. He is asking us to prepare NOW for what He wants to do through us. Through KB’s Future Investment and Expansion, we begin to make preparations to invest in the people and projects He has laid on our heart, in order to move forward with initiatives revealed by His Spirit.
Below are some of the projects that we feel called to pursue in 2023 and beyond.
Good News Recording Studio
The Recording Studio Project will be an essential part of our Disciple strategy. We know God called us to be a church who disciples. This includes life-on-life relationships aas well as biblical instruction. One of the major issues most people have is time limitations. The idea that all can consistently gather in a physical location to learn together is not practical in our culture. By utilizing technology, we can multiply our impact by consistently creating accessible content, which is Good News specific, and focuses on growing as disciples who make disciples. A digital platform removes time and location barriers.
The goal of this next season is to intentionally invest in sound and video equipment which will allow us to record podcasts and make video resources. Currently we are recording our "Now What?" podcast which unpacks our Sunday messages. We have also identified other much-needed podcast content, as well as classes and trainings (such as identity, purpose, leader development, biblical fluency, etc) which we feel are necessary to equip our Good News Family through our life groups as well as online access.
We commit to annually assess the need and create resources that serve our vision to "see lives transformed thru Jesus" as well as deepen and solidify our role as disciples living on mission. At this time, there are both audio and video needs that must be addressed if we intend to build this platform and enhance the quality of what we offer to our Good News family and our community.
The goal of this next season is to intentionally invest in sound and video equipment which will allow us to record podcasts and make video resources. Currently we are recording our "Now What?" podcast which unpacks our Sunday messages. We have also identified other much-needed podcast content, as well as classes and trainings (such as identity, purpose, leader development, biblical fluency, etc) which we feel are necessary to equip our Good News Family through our life groups as well as online access.
We commit to annually assess the need and create resources that serve our vision to "see lives transformed thru Jesus" as well as deepen and solidify our role as disciples living on mission. At this time, there are both audio and video needs that must be addressed if we intend to build this platform and enhance the quality of what we offer to our Good News family and our community.

The 4 Purpose Project
The 4 Purpose Project is a curriculum developed at Good News that speaks to the fundamental question every human being asks in one way or another: “Why do I exist?”, “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?”. This journey is filled with opportunities to help you listen to the Holy Spirit and process your passions and abilities through the lens of Ephesians 2:10.
For the last several years over 200 people have gone on this journey, and as a result, we have seen several nonprofit organizations start up, and people excited to answer God’s calling on their life in many areas. We have been limited in how we can make this opportunity available beyond a couple sessions a year within the walls of our church, and have begun asking God 'what’s next'?
We have the copyrights to what has been created, but now are looking at expanding the curriculum to be available for online classes. We are working on what systems need to be created, what videos need to be recorded, and what platform we can use to make this journey available beyond Good News Church.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
For the last several years over 200 people have gone on this journey, and as a result, we have seen several nonprofit organizations start up, and people excited to answer God’s calling on their life in many areas. We have been limited in how we can make this opportunity available beyond a couple sessions a year within the walls of our church, and have begun asking God 'what’s next'?
We have the copyrights to what has been created, but now are looking at expanding the curriculum to be available for online classes. We are working on what systems need to be created, what videos need to be recorded, and what platform we can use to make this journey available beyond Good News Church.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Joseph Project 1, LLC
Towards the end of 2022, we were approached with an opportunity to purchase the house directly across the street from our church building. After much prayer and discussion, the leadership felt a green light, which was confirmed by the approval vote of our membership. The purchase of this house was called the “Joseph Project”.
Pastor Jason received a word from the Lord that we are to be a “Joseph House.” As we know, through several life circumstances Joseph ended up in Egypt, and God used him to provide for his family during a famine. We feel that’s the purpose of this property! Many in our church family had expressed the need for temporary living arrangements for traveling medical professionals. God has us situated right near a hospital and this provides us with a chance to love our neighbors. We took possession of the property in January of 2023, and after a couple of months of setup, there have been 5 traveling medical professionals staying at our Joseph Project house. Word has spread and those who leave town recommend it to their coworkers. The rent collected has been covering the home expenses, thus adding no further financial burden to the church budget. As we pay down the mortgage, it is our desire to provide housing for our Good News global workers coming off the field for itineration.
Pastor Jason received a word from the Lord that we are to be a “Joseph House.” As we know, through several life circumstances Joseph ended up in Egypt, and God used him to provide for his family during a famine. We feel that’s the purpose of this property! Many in our church family had expressed the need for temporary living arrangements for traveling medical professionals. God has us situated right near a hospital and this provides us with a chance to love our neighbors. We took possession of the property in January of 2023, and after a couple of months of setup, there have been 5 traveling medical professionals staying at our Joseph Project house. Word has spread and those who leave town recommend it to their coworkers. The rent collected has been covering the home expenses, thus adding no further financial burden to the church budget. As we pay down the mortgage, it is our desire to provide housing for our Good News global workers coming off the field for itineration.