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We hope to see you at one of our Sunday Services this weekend! We have two in-person services at 9:30am & 11:15am.

Good News Kids classes are available for both services, and Good News Youth Jr. High meet during the 9:30am service. We have church online available live at 9:30am, and available on demand all day after that.

Wednesday Nights

Wednesday night services begin with a time of prayer and worship at 6:30pm. After the time of worship, we break into groups for discipleship and community. Anybody is welcome in the discipleship groups and we'd love to get to know you!

Daily Prayer Meetings

Join us in the Prayer Room every weekday for prayer meetings at 6:00am & 12:00pm, and Saturdays at 6:00am only.

7415 Hickory St
Omaha, NE  |  68124